Eric Hoffer Book Award - for Small, Academic, & Independent Books

Eric Hoffer Award Success Stories

The Eric Hoffer Book Award has impacted many authors and publishers in a positive way. Here are a few success stories from former winners, runners-up, honorable mentions, and finalists:

"Thank you to everyone at Eric Hoffer Awards for the Honorable Mention and recognition of my book. I am delighted to be represented with so many great books and authors for this prestigious award. It is a testament to the years of writing and editing spent to make the final product. I am grateful that my efforts were received well by the judges, and I hope this book reaches readers effortlessly. "
Karen Maharaj, Peter Crane Mountain Goat
"Please express my deepest gratitude to everyone at Eric Hoffer Awards for honoring my book with a finalist award. I wish to express how much this truly means to me because if you are a writer without name recognition, unlimited income, and/or a corporate sponsor, getting a book marketed now is a truly daunting task. We are hopeful that your recognition will help get our book where it belongs: in the hands of readers who appreciate a book that was created with the deepest commitment to tell our story both well…and beautifully. We are so pleased to have someone notice!"
Margo Bowblis, Walking with Two Shadows
"I was so gratified to learn of my finalist status with the Eric Hoffer Book Awards for the first novel in my "Opera Mystery" series. The resulting explosion of congrats and well wishes on my social media, and the added prestige of displaying the gold stickers at my book signings, have spurred me on to pen the next books in the series. Thank you so much for recognizing my work with this honor and for confirming that the opera and mystery worlds can collide in fiction with great success."
Erica Miner, Aria for Murder
"It was a thrilling surprise to see my novel cited as a finalist for the Eric Hoffer Book Award. Every time I sit down at my laptop to write, revise, or just plain agonize over a manuscript, I wonder why I bother and whether what I'm trying to create is any good. This respected award was such a huge boost and reassurance."
Fran Hawthorne, I Meant to Tell You
"I'm delighted that The Eric Hoffer Book Award, recognized internationally as a premier award for independent authors, has seen value in my mystery novel. It's not only a great honor to be a finalist, but it's also a validation that thought-provoking works are valued and respected. I'm sincerely grateful to the Eric Hoffer Book Award for being named as a Category Finalist."
Gary Kreigh, Silence the Past
"I am truly honored to have received the Eric Hoffer Grand Prize Short List, the First Horizon Finalist, and Children’s Category Honorable Mention recognitions. My heart is so full of gratitude that my first children’s book has been so well received. Being recognized for not one but three prestigious awards has been a dream come true. It’s a wonderful example of what one can accomplish when they follow their heart and dreams."
Cynthia Carla, The Who That I Am
"It is tremendously meaningful for The Eric Hoffer Book Award to honor my book. Hoffer was of my main influences growing up in Marin. I remember that my family and I watched the KQED PBS series about him in 1964 and of Hoffer’s books I remember that we at least had The True Believer, and it fascinated me!"
Michael Goddart, A New Now
"I am incredibly moved to have received the Eric Hoffer Grand Prize and the First Horizon Award. This recognition means a great deal to me and to have been awarded the foundation's highest honor is a surreal experience. I will always remain deeply grateful!"
Justin Stoney, Sing Like Never Before
"Receiving an honorable mention for the Eric Hoffer Book Award is both a distinction and an affirmation that a story about a little-known Middle Eastern minority can resonate with readers everywhere. Although my press is quite prestigious and has been publishing for over sixty years, my novel is excluded from most British and American awards because I live in Turkey and my publisher is located in Egypt. I am grateful to the Eric Hoffer Award Committee for allowing entries from all over the world, regardless of the location of the author or the publisher. The Eric Hoffer is one of the world's few truly inclusive, English-language book prizes."
Nektaria Anastasiadou, A Recipe for Daphne
"Having my collection achieve finalist status is such an honor. I was so proud to receive the affirmation that my work has merit and that my stories resonated with the committee. Following winning this award, my book then went on to achieve award status elsewhere—another unexpected reward for all my hard work and effort. I have posted both award images proudly in all my social media and on my website!"
Nancy Christie, Peripheral Visions and Other Stories
"Being a finalist for the Montaigne Medal, which recognizes the most 'thought-provoking books meant to illuminate, progress or redirect thought' is a distinct honor. I'm especially proud as a Latina author sharing my autobiographical coming of age story."
Elaine Del Valle, Brownsville Bred
"I was doubly lucky in the Eric Hoffer Awards. Not only was my book on the Grand Prize Short List, it was also named as a Montaigne Medal Finalist. The former was truly a blessing, but the latter really made my 'heart gulp' because that distinction names "thought-provoking" books. As a writer, what could be better? That’s exactly what I want my work to do. The notion that something I write could have that power is everything to me. I call myself a 'professional people-watcher, evidence-gatherer, and dot-connector.' Thanks to the Eric Hoffer Award, I can add 'thought-provoker.'"
Pamela Capone, The Little Love That Could
"Being named both a Montaigne Medal Finalist and an Eric Hoffer Award Category Finalist was a great honor and affirmation. What a pleasure to note these awards at readings and to see my publisher feature those gold stickers in association with my book! I am truly grateful for this recognition. Thank you"
David Hallock Sanders, Busara Road
"I'm deeply honored that the Eric Hoffer Award for Book's committee recognized my novel as a Montaigne Medal finalist. This has boosted my credibility, not only as a novelist of historically and situationally truthful fiction, but also as an emerging op-ed writer. An international paper I contribute to now mentions the recognition in the tagline of my bio. This has helped my novel gain more exposure."
Faith Quintero, Loaded Blessings
"Writing a novel requires great discipline and thousands of hours isolated with a computer. Becoming an Eric Hoffer Finalist gave me the courage and confidence to go on writing, to go on rising at 5 a.m. facing the blank screen alone. I want to thank all the Eric Hoffer committee members and readers for the time they contribute in order to give recognition to so many writers. It was a great honor for me to receive the award."
Jane Foster, Sliding
"Winning the First Horizon Book Award, the Eric Hoffer Book Award, and being a Montaigne Medal Finalist, three of a total of twelve awards I received for my novel, was incredibly professionally rewarding and validating of my book's literary merit. These recognitions opened doors to many opportunities including speaking engagements at book clubs, libraries, and universities."
Anna Bozena Bowen, Hattie
"Educators look for credibility, professionalism, and quality when choosing a novel to use in their classrooms, and they've been known to balk at choosing self-published titles. But that bright gold Montaigne Award sticker tells the world that my book is a well-written, compelling story middle-grade readers will never forget. As a result, my sales to school systems have sky-rocketed, and my calendar is chock full of classroom visits. Entering my book in the Eric Hoffer Awards was one of the best marketing decisions I could have made."
Holly Moulder, A Time to Be Brave
"Every book loves a gold sticker, and that wonderful preface: award-winning."
Margaret McMullan, Aftermath Lounge
"In 2009, Barnes and Noble chose my debut historical novel to feature on its New Hardbacks shelves in stores nationwide. This was rare for an indie-published author at that time, and continues to be. It went on to win several more awards, and the Eric Hoffer Book Award committee's belief in the book was instrumental in its success. Since receiving the Eric Hoffer recognition, I have published four more honored books... I'm very grateful to the Eric Hoffer Award committee for helping me to launch my publishing career."
Glen Craney, The Fire and the Light
"Recognition like the Hoffer award is a strong credibility builder when customers are searching through what has become a blizzard of information. The recognition was much appreciated."
Christine Kent, RN, Save Your Hips
"We've seen a 28% increase in sales since the Eric Hoffer Book Award announced the award. My publisher displays the Eric Hoffer Award gold seal on the third edition of my book. When I speak at writer's seminars, many participants are familiar with the award and that helps sales."
Jamie Dodson, Flying Boats & Spies, A Nick Grant Adventure
"After my book's Eric Hoffer Award I received more reviews on Amazon and GoodReads."
João Cerqueira, The Tragedy of Fidel Castro
"After Receiving the Hoffer Award I was able to achieve the Northern Library Literature Award. This led to Libraries in Canada purchasing my book. The book is now available to patrons from Newfoundland to British Columbia. As well the books has received accolades by magazines in the USA and many American libraries have the book in their collections. The Canada Council for Authors now pay me a yearly royalty for patron book usage."
Paul M. Valliant, Life After 50 the Road to Longevity
"The award brought recognition locally and nationally, increasing interest and distribution that continues even after ten years since publishing."
Carolyn Singer, The Seasoned Gardener
"The award continues to bring my novel national recognition. I list the award in all my advertising literature and use the award label on my packaging."
Mary Ramsetter, Over the Mountains of the Moon
"The Hoffer award was a vindication for me. I'd had good reviews when it first came out, but nothing as prestigious as the Hoffer award. Buoyed by the Hoffer award, I will continue to keep plugging away until I've sold or given away the remaining books."
Reilly Ridgell, Bending to the Trade Winds
"The Eric Hoffer Award has added visibility, validation and ultimately readership. An immeasurable measure of pride accompanies the award."
Karen Krett, The Dark Side of Hope
"For one thing, I'm a college professor, and doing so well in the Eric Hoffer Award earned me a bigger than usual raise. For another, it boosted book sales."
Andy Solomon, The Fourth Demand
"Winning the Eric Hoffer First Horizon and Legacy Fiction Awards breathed new life into a book that been published earlier and caught the attention of those who might have previously overlooked it."
Amina Gautier, At-Risk
"The Eric Hoffer Award recognition and its announcement in The US Review of Books is what brought my unusual cookbook to a broader audience. It was created as a fundraiser for Tanzanian scholars studying in Switzerland and published as a keepsake for the school community. In that regard, it was a big success. Its further success in print and especially with ebook sales has no doubt been influenced by the recognition earned through its Honorable Mention placement for the Eric Hoffer Award. Validation of its quality beyond the school community has become a genuine source of pride for the 102 families who contributed recipes, for the scholars who benefit, and the community as a whole."
Nancy Freund and Jennifer Scanlon, Global Home Cooking
"The Hoffer Award brings additional attention to my debut novel, giving it distinction and making it stand out. Readers love to see the beautiful gold Hoffer seal on the front cover, too. This award has helped boost sales and attracted interest to the plight of the families struggling with Alzheimer's disease."
Catherine Gentile, The Quiet Roar of a Hummingbird
"After its Hoffer Award recognition, my book went one to win three additional awards and became on of my best selling novels."
Randall Reneau, Diamond Fields
"I was thrilled to receive an honorable mention, and that encouragement helped catapult three new books pending release."
Jessica Tyner Mehta, What Makes an Always
"To be honored as a finalist for a Hoffer Book Award was a humbling experience for me. Reading Eric Hoffer's book, The True Believer, many years ago allowed me a deep and introspective look into my own past. And to be affected so much by his wisdom allowed me to write a more honest book about myself."
Christian Picciolini, Romantic Violence
"Winning this award kicked sales of Mr. Touchdown up significantly and gained the book recognition in both bookstore and school sales. Even now, 10 years after winning the award, my book still sells a few dozen copies a quarter, more in the first quarter when it is picked up for Black History Month. I have passed 2,000 total sales, with very little promotion and am moving toward 2,500." Lyda Phillips, Mr. Touchdown
"A pleasant surprise being mentioned in the same sentence as Eric Hoffer."
J. Everett Prewitt, A Long Way Back
"Winning an honorable mention in the self-help category boosted my book sales. It also helped with credibility in requesting book interviews and book signings. The reward is highly respected in the literary field."
Michele Sfakianos, RN, BSN, Ace You Life
"The Hoffer win confirmed for me that my book was what I'd hoped it would be."
Bill Mesce, A Cold and Distant Place
"Of course I was thrilled with receiving finalist for such a prestigious award but also pleasantly surprised at how many people knew and enjoyed Eric Hoffer and his writings. Once I included this on my links, sales increased by 25%. I'm Finalist as well on the Royal Palm Literary Award through the Florida Writers Association, but fewer readers are aware of this award. Obviously Eric Hoffer continues to make an impact, and I believe I'm getting some good miles from his legacy. Thank you!"
Vanessa Russell, Four of a Kind
"I'm glad I took the chance on that first book because it gave me the confidence to keep writing. It also opened avenues for publicity and reviews, which is always a good thing."
Susan I. Spieth, Gray Girl
"Book sales increased. Author received many international speaking engagements at museums and cultural societies. She has been commissioned to write new articles. She has led a tour to Italy visiting places discussed in the book."
– Da Vinci Press discussing Ann C. Pizzorusso, Tweeting da Vinci
"I've won 9 awards, but the Eric Hoffer award has been the most prestigious award my book has received."
Joe Corso, The Starlight Club
"My book had already had a successful launch in the Scilly Isles, UK where the story was set, but as a result of winning the Eric Hoffer Award, it went on to become an adventure story for many other young adults and families world wide."
Margaret Gill, Narwhal
"Small, independent presses were producing fewer quality books back in 2009, and I expect the Eric Hoffer Committee considered this historical mystery among the best of them. The honor came totally unexpected, as I had applied in a different category. I was grateful that someone had found another niche for it, since I consider any award from The Eric Hoffer Award Committee to be an honor indeed."
Florence B. Weinberg, Sonora Moonlight
"I no longer need to try to attract the attention of traditional publishers. Ever since I received this award my book has received a lot more attention. In addition, my book sales have increased greatly. Thank you very much for the big boost. My Eric Hoffer Award success has been very rewarding."
Anthony Aquan-Assee, Second Life, Second Chance
"We have kept the Eric Hoffer Award prominently posted ever since, and I believe that it helps the book to stand out, as it should, among the many house-and-home books on the market. ...we are grateful for the recognition received from many reviewers and the Hoffer finalist award."
Henri de Marne, About the House with Henri de Marne
"Our Eric Hoffer Book Award success in numbers: 9,100 Sold; 18 Reviews, 6,487,523 Reach; 120 Interviews, 305,476,330 Reach; 306 Mentions/Quotes, 440,303,385 Reach; 714 Op-Eds or Articles, 2,783,659,959 Reach; 1,575 Placements, 3,696,556,397 Reach."
– The Independent Institute discussing John C. Goodman, Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis
"Being an Eric Hoffer Finalist has helped me get invited to do more readings, receive honoraria, also sell books."
Joan Seliger Sidney, Body of Diminishing Motion
"Our Eric Hoffer Book Award success in numbers: 4,500 Sold; 34 Reviews, 274,249 Reach; 7 Interviews, 140,000 Reach; 20 Mentions/Quotes, 5,070,058 Reach; 136 Op-Eds or Articles, 164,220,357 Reach; 198 Total Placements, 169,709,664 Reach."
– The Independent Institute discussing Robert H. Nelson, The New Holy Wars
"Big honor and notable increase in sales."
Martha Heineman Pieper, Ph.D., Mommy, Daddy, I Had a Bad Dream!
"This title went on to win many honors after the Eric Hoffer Award. Several colleges use this title in their creative writing programs."
Heidi Ruby Miller and Michael A. Arnzen, Many Genres One Craft
"Thrilled to have won a Da Vinci Eye for the cover art I created for my first collection of short stories. As a very small press, it's lovely to receive this recognition for the hard work it takes to stay afloat in a demanding and competitive industry."
Deborah McMenamy, So Long Polyester
"Much has taken place since receiving the Eric Hoffer Montaigne Award and the Eric Hoffer Finalist Award. First, I was invited to speak at a number of events including the Michigan Reading Association Annual Conference, the Michigan Reading Association Summer Literature Conference, the Michigan State Fair, and The Keystone State Reading Association. Second, I spoke at a host of schools. Third, I lectured and sold my books at venues such Barnes & Noble and Schulers Books."
Bena R. Hartman, September’s Big Assignment
"My success was greeted at the monthly meeting of the New Mexico Book Coop members with, “That's a BIG award.” The Erik Hoffer Book Award is considered a great honor. Having the award stickers on both my books attracts the attention of buyers and has encouraged book sales."
Sally K. Serevino, Sacred Desire
"Writers everywhere are competing for readers in a very crowded marketplace. The Eric Hoffer Book Book Awards Program distinguished it from the work of thousands of other writers. It definitely attracted new fans for my mysteries. When I announced receipt of the award to my readers, my book sales went up. Even better, the messages of congratulations I received indicated that my work had achieved increased literary prestige. And so had I as an author."
Robert Tell, The Witch of Maple Park
"To me my success is measured not only in sales but in the positive feedback I have received from readers. The Eric Hoffer Book Award has given me a foot in the door of bookstores and libraries but the honor of receiving it still gives me a glow."
Jan Surasky, Back to Jerusalem
"What an honor to be among the many book authors whose work has been recognized by the Eric Hoffer Award judging panel. I'm proud to share Eric Hoffer's story and keep the memory of this great American philosopher at the forefront in the literary world."
Kerry Dunnington, Tasting the Seasons
"I proudly display the gold seal on all copies. When I have a book signing or when I am in my booth at the Decatur Book Festival, I have a banner which says my book won the Eric Hoffer Award, and many people comment on Eric Hoffer and what an honor it is to have an award from his foundation. I know that it has helped me sell more books."
Jane Price Harmon, Pip
"The first ebook version of this collection of linked short stories was published by Laura Gross Literary Agency. As a result of the Hoffer Award, both the ebook and paperback publication have since been taken over by Guernica Editions who released the first paperback edition on March 1, 2016. It has since gone into its second printing."
Marisa Labozzetta, Thieves Never Steal in the Rain
"The Eric Hoffer Finalist Award helped to get the first book in the Series off the ground. That is to say, the honor along with the gold medallion on the front cover gave my book the push that was needed in today's book market. Many stopped to see the book at the Book Fairs at many of our Midwest Elementary Schools."
P.J. HarteNaus, The Belden Boys
"A book with a prize will have a larger audience, given that the prize von is a well-recognized name. They are many good books without a prize and a books with a price is a step forward."
Hedi Enghelberg, The Last Witness
"To win a Hoffer Award increases an author's credibility and authority in the eyes of the reading public. After winning the Hoffer Book Award, I was more confident in scheduling book signings and I was more readily received by store managers and by audiences. In consequence I sold more copies of my novel. It was that simple!"
Tanyo Ravicz, A Man of His Village
"The awards have lend credibility to Revela Press and opened up media and speaking opportunities for the author as well as fostered connections with influencers who are supporting the author's work worldwide. The book cover award in particular, was significant, in that it gave an unprecedented gift to the Iranian artist whose work is depicted on the cover. He cannot leave Iran and the award inspired him with hope and pride to be hears and to be connected to the outside world. It won the da Vinci Eye Award for best cover."
Nina Ansary, Jewels of Allah
"The spirit of the award and the person for whom it is named - for those who know the award or Eric Hoffer, the connection is immediate - to bigger thinking, an effort to foster change, and an appreciation of minds exploring beyond boundaries. For those who don’t know the award of its namesake, they too are inspired by these same themes once they learn about them, and equally by the enlightened idea that a book award would seek to further them in its selection of winners. Moreover, I have found that the award resonates with unique categories and their meaning. From the Legacy category, to the unique awards for which each and every book is considered - DaVinci Eye, Montaigne Medal, and First Horizon, the Eric Hoffer Awards stand apart. I felt that when applying, but I find that, more than any other award my book received, others take notice of these honors and remember them. More than take notice, I often feel they take a second, longer, and more thoughtful look."
Larry Robertson, A Deliberate Pause
"As a new writer I lacked confidence in my writing skills, but receiving accolades from the Eric Hoffer Award Committee was inspiring - enough so, I wrote a sequel. The Eric Hoffer award - my first - gave me a bump in book sales and credibility with my readers."
Nick Auclair, Steel's Treasure
"As an independent author one of the biggest challenges is visibility and credibility. The Eric Hoffer awards provide both. The awards carry a prestigious name and honor which helps garner customer interest and ultimately sales. With so many books in the world and fewer and fewer opportunites for readers to discover books, especially well written, compelling novels it's important that awards like the Eric Hoffer Book award exist to honor independent authors with salient writing and compelling covers." Joe Klingler, Mash Up
"The Eric Hoffer Award confirms the decisive role of independent publishing and thinking, true to the creative work of its name giver. The main impact of this public event on my (research) work is that there are still people around who are giving free thought and inquiry an open forum and chance to be recognized: this experience makes one a Hoffer, i.e. a hoper."
Stephen I. Ternyik, Global Wave Energetics
"Winning the Eric Hoffer Awards has increased visibility of my novel and brought greater awareness and financial support for crucial programs in Haiti. I have been asked to speak at a number of community and author events. Donations from sales have been used for an ongoing university scholarship for a young woman studying veterinary medicine in Haiti, a cervical and breast cancer screening program for 1000 women in October 2015, and various health and education programs in impoverished communities in Port au Prince and rural Haiti."
Rosemary Hanrahan, When Dreams Touch
"The gold seal attracts potential readers when it is on display. It gives me an opportunity to promote the book, which can further a sale. Readers like to know the book has been vetted by a respected organization. Overall, the award adds to the credibility of my expertise."
Janet F. Williams, You Don't Ask, You Don't Get
"The award caused quite a stir in the poetry community!"
Paul Petrie, Paul Petrie, The Collected Poems
"It was a delight to write my first Mystery novel, wonderful to see it published and hold the book in my hands. This was all crowned, for me, by success in an award as prestigious as the Eric Hoffer Awards. I feel it validates the book and has rewarded all of the effort."
Robin Richards, The Piltdown Picasso
"This award is particularly gratifying because Adrift in a Vanishing City was originally published in 1998 by a very small press and while the reviews that came in were good, many reviewing venues passed it by. It was reprinted in 2015 and, thanks to the Eric Hoffer Award competition, the book has finally gotten some of the recognition the early reviewers felt it deserved. I'm very grateful to have been part of the competition."
Vincent Czyz, Adrift in a Vanishing City
"The Eric Hoffer Awards are extremely helpful in establishing a high degree to earned, third-party recognition for the quality and diligence associated with the research, writing, and publication of the author’s book. ... I would encourage any person to submit their book for consideration for receipt of an Eric Hoffer Book Award."
Mack W Borgen, The Relevance of Reason
"The gold decal with the word WINNER elevates the status of the book and my own credibility. I’ve given many book talks, and always have the book propped up near me for the audience to see. In sales of the book following the talks, in one instance, some of the books did not have the decal – buyers bought only the books with decals, so I made sure that they all had them for future events."
Katherine Maxfield, Starting Up Silicon Valley
"Being considered a winner for my first YA book was such an honor for me and all of the people who worked on this book, and I feel it adds to my prestige as a writer."
Curtis L. Crisler, Tough Boy Sonatas
"I regard the Eric Hoffer competition as one of the premier competitions for self published books. Any award or mention of a book on Down syndrome helps to bring attention to the challenges facing parents, siblings and the person with Down syndrome, as well as any family with a special needs member."
Romy Wyllie, Loving Andrew
"The award has been beneficial to the book's sales. The award brings attention to the book from various readers and has helped to make it one of my best-selling books."
John Hope, No Good
"The Eric Hoffer Book Award Committee wrote a synopsis of Frozen Latitudes, which appeared in the US Review of Books. The book award seals that are attached to the cover, do bring awareness to the book. Awards validate the collection, especially when the contest is competitive."
Therese Halscheid, Frozen Latitudes
"Within a week after receiving the award, my publisher wanted to print the book in India and possibly in neighboring countries including translation into regional languages. A contract was signed and the book is now published in English and distributed throughout Indian markets."
Jeannette M. Gagan, PhD, Grow Up Your Ego
"The recognition received from the Eric Hoffer Award has enhanced the interest in the story of Paul Wellstone, which has given the author the opportunity to schedule school visits and share her award winning book."
Karen Shragg, Lucy's Hero
"The Eric Hoffer Award recognized the top 10% of book submissions, and to receive the award, gave the book another boost in sales, with an additional press release. The book was also featured on the front page of the publisher's website, as an award-winning book."
Amb. Gregory W. Engle (Ret.) and Amb. Tibor P. Nagy, Jr.(Ret.), Managing Overseas Operations
"I gained so much confidence after my book earned a finalist position in the Eric Hoffer 2013 contest. Rating that prestigious honor helped launch my successful career as an Alaska historian and author."
Laurel Downing Bill and Phyllis Downing Carlson, Aunt Phil’s Trunk
"I have posted the judge's generous comments on the website."
Susan Gardner, To Inhabit the Felt World
"...being recognized for an Eric Hoffer Book Award - one so prestigious - has given the novel the respect it deserves and has helped in getting it published overseas."
Eric Artisan, Escaping the Wheel
"I have received many paid speaking and TV appearances. My organizing business has grown I now have a 2nd published book. ... Very thankful"
Lisa Giesler, My Life is a Mess
"My Eric Hoffer Award success has led to increased awareness and publicity for my book, has been a good marketing tool, and I have continued steady sales."
J.l.Mayes, Tinnitus Treatment Toolbox
"The Eric Hoffer Award had meant so much. That gold sticker on the cover attracts serious attention. That continues to speak for itself, on the shelf, or on the magazine ad. It also is a promise of worthy literature within. Sales have continued to grow. I am very pleased with the Hoffer award. I personally am honored to receive this recognition."
Frederick R. Andresen, The Lady with an Ostrich-Feather Fan
"It is a blessing to have been the recipient of this award in honor of Leonardo Da Vinci. As a result, so much wonderful feedback from readers, and wonderful reviews on Amazon, and respect from other authors. In return, we give back 10 percent of all book sales to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society."
Sheree K. and Russell A. Nielsen, Folly Beach Dances
"As an Honorable Mention and Finalist in the category of Poetry, my book has been well recieved.  I have had the opportunity to do a book signing and poetry reading for my own Author Talk event.... It has been an honor to be recognized in the category of poetry by the Eric Hoffer Awards comittee and I look forward to more events and sharing poetry which brings people together for harmony."
M. Jewel H., Bejeweled Poetry III x IVer
"I consider the Montaigne Finalist Award one of the most important and humbling of my entire career because I hold Eric Hoffer and his work in such high regard. ..."
Silvio Laccetti, An American Commentary
"Winning one of the [Eric Hoffer Book Awards] looks great on my resume. It is a boost of credibility that opened many doors and took me to higher places than I might not otherwise have been. ..."
Niall McLeod Waldman, Spelling Dearest
"What a thrill it was to found out that the Eric Hoffer Book Award awarded by debut novel with two prizes. Winning awards is one of the best ways to introduce a book to the world. I am honored to be recognized by a literary organization founded on the ideals of a visionary American thinker."
Robin Gregory, The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman
"Having won the Eric Hoffer Award, the super demand of my first independent international travel and recipe book has been a superb success. All public and private libraries in South Florida are sponsoring reading adventures. Now a second edition is in print."
Wolfgang Hanau, My Travel Adventures and Secret Recipes