Eric Hoffer Book Award - for Small, Academic, & Independent Books

Contact the Eric Hoffer Award

The nominate link should answer most of your questions, but the Eric Hoffer Award committee would like to hear from you. You may also inquire about becoming an Eric Hoffer Award judge. Consider a sponsorship or donation to help keep our registration fee low. See Eric Hoffer Award success stories.

The Eric Hoffer Award
PO Box 11
Titusville, NJ 08560
Please do not phone us. We receive many inquiries near deadline. Our e-mail response time is fast and efficient.


Registration Notification

If you would like to be notified of the Eric Hoffer Award registration deadlines, please supply us with a valid e-mail address (name optional). A reminder will be sent three times during the latter half of each year. That’s it. No one else receives your address, and you can opt out of notifications at any time. Enter your e-mail address and name to receive notifications:
